Burrell Showmans Locomotive - Anderton & Rowland 'Earl Beatty'
The name of Anderton & Rowland is one of the most famous names in the history of UK Fairground Showmen. With roots in the West Country, the company had a number of Burrell steam in the Crimson and Gold livery, including 'Earl Beatty' - a Burrell 8 NHP Showman's Scenic vehicle, number 3896, Registration CO4052. 'Earl Beatty' was delivered to George DeVey of Anderton & Rowland in May 1921.
The manufacturers Charles Burrell and Sons of Thetford were well known for their steam engines and agricultural machinery, exporting all over the world. The company, which had its heyday towards the end of the 19th Century, finally closed in 1928, having made over 5000 steam vehicles from their Norfolk base.
The colourful and well-researched Oxford model carries a wealth of detail, right down to the fine gold coachlines throughout. You will also notice along the side of the roof the names of two of the rides for which 'Earl Beatty' was used primarily - one on each side. One of the tasks was to erect and power the scenic railway ride 'The Golden Dragons' as well as being used as the power horse for the Jungle Speedway ride. After a long career, 'Earl Beatty' passed through several purchasers before being acquired by current owners Robert Coles and family, who have restored the steam engine to its original former glory.
Dimensions and Weights
Packed: 13.8cm x 8.1cm x 8.2cm ( L x W x H )
Unpacked: 9.1cm x 3.6cm x 4.7cm ( L x W x H )
Excludes shipping cartonScale
1:76 scale means that this is 76 times smaller than the full sized vehicle(s)
For a much more detailed explanation of scale and the history please follow .